Get ready for a flavor explosion with these delicious buffalo chicken sliders on Hawaiian rolls, topped with the spicy and savory Slap Ya Mama Wing...
![Slap Ya Mama Buffalo Chicken Sliders](
Get ready for a flavor explosion with these delicious buffalo chicken sliders on Hawaiian rolls, topped with the spicy and savory Slap Ya Mama Wing...
Looking to add some heat to your classic fast food sandwich? Try this recipe for a spicy twist on the McDonald's McChicken sandwich,...
Maw's Maw's one pot Red Beans is so easy, and delicious. Everyone will be wanting seconds!...
The perfect appetizer to get the party started! Ingredients1 cup Vodka 1 bottle Slap Ya Mama Bloody Mary Mix 1...
Bring the Holiday Cheer, with this Pomegranate Spicy Margarita! Rimed with Slap and full of flavor, this is the perfect holiday drink to make...
Bring your Chex Mix to the next level with Slap Ya Mama Wing Sauce. This Chex Mix is perfect for snacking or passing around a tailgate....
A cocktail with hot sauce? Count us in! This spicy mule is perfect for those who love a little kick in their drinks! Servings 1...
Mama's Pineapple Margarita is the drink of the summer. Perfect for happy hours, taco Tuesdays, a night out, or a cozy night in! Servings...
Slap Ya Mama Buffalo Chicken tacos are absolutely delicious. Tangy and buttery smooth wing sauce, combined with the crunchy chicken, and...
Ingredients1 Yellow Squash1 Red Bell Pepper1 Bunch of Asparagus1 Onion4 Garlic Cloves Slap Ya Mama Original Blend Cajun...
Perfectly crispy with all of the right toppings these loaded potatoes are simply irresistible! Ingredients2 large russet potatoes...
Looking for a great game-time snack? Buffalo Chicken & Cheese Pockets are the way to go! These air-fried pockets are the perfect finger...
There is no better way to taco than these Hot Honey Garlic Shrimp Tacos! Cooked up by our Slap Krewe member Rickie Moore! Rickie is always...
Jill Sonlin a member of our Slap Krewe made this delicious "Lip Smakin'" pork chop! Jill is a professionally trained chef, that...
This spicy sandwich was cooked up by Grant King, a member of our Slap Krewe! Grant cooks up delicious recipes all the time! Click here for...
This delicious meal was created by Stuart Gates, the winner of our #SlapxBBQGuysCookoff! With over 2000 people voting Stuart's recipe...
This dish mouth-watering dish took second place in the #slapxbbqguyscookoff! Get cookin’ and let us know how much you love it! Created By:...
This tasty meal was created by Jordan Peeples these creative tacos took home 3rd place. Check out this Blackened Catfish Tacos with Hush...
Tradition and spending time with family take center stage in Cajun culture, and this spice-filled recipe holds special memories for the...
Having friends over for a big game? This 7 Layer Party Dip with Homemade Tortilla Chips, is the perfect game-time dish! WHO DAT! Cook Time 30...