Kiss Ya Mama Candied Bacon

Aug 31, 2023 | Featuring Kiss Ya Mama, Recipes | 1 comment


Prepare to tantalize your taste buds and embark on a flavor-packed journey with our Kiss Ya Mama Cinnamon Sugar Candied Bacon recipe. This irresistible creation brings together the savory allure of crispy bacon and the delightful sweetness of candied indulgence, all enhanced by the unique blend of Kiss Ya Mama's signature seasonings. Each bite of this decadent treat offers a symphony of textures and flavors, as the bacon becomes irresistibly caramelized and coated in a luscious Kiss Ya Mama Cinnamon Sugar glaze. Whether enjoyed as a mouthwatering breakfast sensation, a sensational appetizer, or a delectable snack, this Kiss Ya Mama-infused candied bacon is bound to become a cherished favorite that adds a touch of gourmet flair to your culinary repertoire.



  • Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
  • Lay out the bacon slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.Sprinkle a generous amount of Kiss Ya Mama Cinnamon Sugar evenly over each bacon slice. The seasoning will infuse the bacon with a burst of flavor.
  • Place the baking sheet with the seasoned bacon in the preheated oven.Bake the bacon at 400°F (200°C) for 10-12 minutes, or until it reaches your desired level of crispiness. Keep a close eye on the bacon to prevent overcooking. Once the bacon is cooked to perfection, remove the baking sheet from the oven. Give the bacon slices a final light sprinkle of Kiss Ya Mama seasoning to enhance the flavors.
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1 Comment

  1. Teresa C Erdelyi

    I can’t wait to try candied bacon. It sounds like the most incredible food out there.


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Salt, Red Pepper, Garlic, Black Pepper, Paprika, Soluble Crab Spice (Polysorbate 80, Natural Flavor, Water, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate), Oleoresin Paprika.